A Relationship Lesson I’ve Learnt from the Coronavirus Pandemic
Whether you’re in Europe, in the US, in the UK or India, I’m sure you’re waking up to news updates about COVID-19. You want to know how many new cases have been added and if healthcare specialists have been able to invent a vaccine. Keeping in mind the severity of the issue, most countries have announced a lockdown to control the spread of the virus, which means you’re mostly going to be home for the next couple of weeks.
While spending time at home, the human mind is battling several questions — When will this end? Is this the end of the world? Is coronavirus overrated? How do I stay protected? What do I do at home? How do I manage my finances? Is humanity being punished for all the sins it has committed? Did human beings forget to respect Mother Nature?
There may not be standard answers to these questions but there’s definitely a realization that I’d like to share with everyone. I’ve gone through an inner transformation in my relationship with a lesson that the virus has taught me.
All too often, I’ve neglected my relationship with my husband, my parents, my siblings, and others for several reasons. At times, I’ve given more importance to work and at others, I’ve felt like I’ll do it later. Sometimes, I haven’t acknowledged them when they’ve done something for me. Sometimes I haven’t shared what’s on my mind thinking I’ll tell them later or I can battle it on my own.
I’ve lost my temper at the drop of a hat and said things I didn’t mean to. I’ve taken them for granted. I’ve neglected my responsibilities debating that it is not me who needs to change.
However, the coronavirus has brought in an awakening:
“Make sure you tell the people you love that you love them. Loudly and often. You never know when it might be too late.” — Tom Hiddleston
With the lockdown giving me more time with my husband yet restricting me from meeting my parents, friends, and relatives, I’ve realized that it is important to value every relationship at every moment.
And here are the five things I’ve decided to do during this lockdown and even after so that I have no regrets, no complaints, and no feeling of having lost out on time.
- Express — I will let my partner know what I feel for him. I wouldn’t wait for a ‘special’ day to tell him what’s in my heart.
- Accept — I will accept my mistakes and ensure that problems are resolved.
- Appreciate — I will appreciate my partner and others for the smallest of gestures without waiting for that big surprise or something that I can flaunt on social media. Even simple efforts need appreciation to establish a bond of unconditional love and respect.
- Change/Improve — I will change myself from NOW. Many of us realize the value of things and people after they have left. We keep waiting for the other person to change and are in a constant battle with our ego and lower self. So, if someone close to me has been telling me to change my habits, I’m sure it is being said for my good and I will take action to improve.
- Gratitude — I will count my blessings and convert complaints into gratitude. I am grateful for the house I have, the family I have, the food I get, and the life I have.
We live life planning for the future. We believe that we have a couple of years before resting in peace and tend to postpone a lot of essential activities for later. Don’t do that! No one saw the Coronavirus coming to take away so many lives.
Live happily in the moment, for the moment :)