This is How You Can Fulfill Your Dreams & Desires
We all have dreams and desires!
We all want to achieve something — a big house, a new car, a new job, that branded bag, etc. Some of us have targets like weight loss, becoming a writer, learning how to cook, reading a book, and so on. But most of us struggle to achieve our goals.
Time flies and even before we know it, the month has come to an end. If you can relate to this scenario, somewhere deep inside your heart you would know why this happens. It is nothing but the habit of Procrastination or in simpler words — laziness, casual attitude, poor determination.
Today, I’m going to share something very interesting I read a month ago and how it changed my life.
I was reading a book as part of my practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism when I came across the following:
Dr. Toynbee woke up every morning at 6:45 am. Each day, whether he felt like it or not, he sat down at his desk to work. He realized that if he waited until he felt like it, he’d never get anything done.
Dr. Arnold J Toynbee was a British historian, a philosopher of history, the author of numerous books, and a research professor of international history at the London School of Economics and King’s College at the University of London.
While I am not an early riser and even if I try hard, I cannot wake up early. I love to sleep and I think about 50% of the readers will relate to this. So, I didn’t take any inspiration from the first sentence. However, the second part is the best learning for me in 2020.
On a regular day, after finishing my morning routine, I sat down with my phone scrolling through WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. I waited till I got into the mood of checking my emails, preparing a task list, and writing (P.S: I work as a freelance content writer). And while I didn’t realize it earlier, I was spending about 45 minutes to an hour on unproductive activities.
Next, I postponed the idea of developing a workout routine for about 8 months now. Each day I told myself — “I’ll start from tomorrow. I don’t have the energy today. I need a break.” And this break meant TV, online games, chatting, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and all kinds of other activities.
All in all, I wasn’t being able to do much. I didn’t have any breakthroughs. I didn’t feel like I achieved something brilliant or I’ve done something significant. I didn’t have time to spend with my husband or my parents. I didn’t have time for myself.
After Being Inspired by Toynbee’s Experience
In the last month, my life has changed significantly. I have grown professionally, socially, physically, and spiritually. The days no longer seem short and time no longer seems to be flying.
And all I have done is changed the way I think.
I now sit down on my work desk as usual, yet, instead of scrolling through the apps on my phone, I check my emails. Even if I don’t have the mood to write, I set a goal in front of me and start. I write down what I need to do today. The initial 15 minutes are difficult to get through but believe me everything just works out after that.
An important and interesting trick I use here is to turn off my phone’s internet and turn it on only after I’ve set the mood to work or completed the first task of the day. No internet — no messages — no distractions!
I work 45 minutes extra and I set the mood and focus much earlier. As a result, I’m done by the evening and all set to break through my laziness and workout.
If I had to summarize what I achieved in the last month, here’s what it looks like:
- I cracked 3 new clients.
- I increased my revenue by 1.5 times.
- I set a workout routine and I exercise for 25 mins/5 days of the week.
- I cooked something new for 2 days every week.
- My room is clean :)
- I finished a book that was pending for long.
- I applied a face pack once every week, massaged a hair mask twice every week, and painted my nails.
- I wrote about my experiences and interesting thoughts, hoping to create a blog soon.
- I spent valuable time with my husband and my family.
- I felt happy!
So, if you’ve been struggling to achieve something and know that it is your weakness that is pulling you back, time to refresh your mind. Push yourself to do what you need to even if you don’t feel like because giving up is not an option. Believe me, you’ll feel amazing and victorious when you’ve completed what you’ve been dying to complete.
Good luck!